Saturday, August 20, 2011

Day 5 Phase 2

Now I'm 169 lbs. Lost another pound since yesterday. Instead of taking 10 drops in the morning and 10 again before dinner, I took 10 drops before my lunch too just to see how it will make me feel. I felt a lot better doing it this way so I'd rather take it 3x a day from now on as it makes me feel better... no hunger pangs at all.

My cravings really gets to me. Every time I watch TV and there are commercials about food, I feel like I'm drooling. haha! But I got to keep up with this diet since it's showing me progress. I can't wait to reach 166 again because that's the weight I got stuck with no matter how I tried to lose weight it just won't go anywhere below that. By the time I reach 166 I'd be more determined to push myself more because every day would mean I'd lose more weight than I did in my past hard efforts.


Just had my lunch and I forgot to take the oral drops. Argh! Got used to not taking it before lunch, I guess.

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