Thursday, October 27, 2011

I quit. LOL

Today I am officially quitting my round 2 of HCG. I feel hungry during the day and I am not losing any weight for several days and I am still on my first week. I don't think this would still help me lose weight so might as well try to lose the weight on my own. I can do the protocol but without seeing results is just so disappointing.


  1. I feel ya I am taking today and tomorrow off to see if I should stay off until later next month

  2. This is a great diet! Don’t hesitate to try it you will not regret it.

    hcg for sale
    hcg diet

  3. For some reason round 2 is tough for a lot of people. My second round did not get off to a good start. It will be a lot easier the next time around.

